Nominate A Student Now For The “Music Matters” Campaign For 2018 With Flores Music!

Music Matters!
Music Matters!
Music Matters
Music Matters

Hey X fans! Matt Bahan here. It’s that time of year again, I’m so very proud and thankful that we can continue the Morning-X “Music Matters” campaign, with my friends at Flores Music in Peoria! The entire basis of this campaign is to give a Student in need a chance to learn music, and receive a new instrument for Christmas 2018! However, the key for this, is that we need YOU to nominate child you know, who would love this opportunity.


Do you know a student who is experiencing hard times, but absolutely LOVES music? A student who would not normally get this chance to have a new instrument for Christmas? Now, this child could be your own child, or the kid down the street, maybe your child’s friend. Perhaps you know a child from your Church, youth group, the key here is for you to tell us their story. We have three instruments with our friends at Flores Music in Peoria that we will be giving this year. Guitars, baby!

Music Matters
Music Matters


Please nominate a student, in Grade school, Middle School, or High School, ages 6-18. Please complete the information here, and tell us their story. Nominations will be accepted

thru 5pm on December 20th! Please no submissions after December 20th!


Three students will be chosen for the “Gift Of Music” this year!  I will be surprising three students with NEW instruments on Christmas Eve at Flores Music in Peoria! THANK YOU in advance! The MORNING X MUSIC MATTERS 2018!

Music Matters
Music Matters

– Matt Bahan